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Blog Post 13: April 11 - April 15

April 11: Write something that doesn't get better. 

   I believe that with time and patience anything could get better. If i did have to pick pain is something that doesn't get better. All types of pain hurt like the loss of a family or friend, being mentally or  physically in pain, and even a break up. Pain is something that everyone goes through it's a part of life. Something that really hurts me to this day is the loss of best friend to suicide. It really hurts even in my happiest moments and in my saddest one, but i know she is safe and is in a better place. Pain is something that could make or break you and that's something for you to figure out. 

April 12: Write about what you planned to do. 

I plan to do plenty of things with my life or career, but i don't know where to start. For starters, i want to graduate high school right now it's been a challenge there just so much that goes on in my life. I'm still deciding on going to college of interior design for art. If i don't attend i want to start my own fashion line of clothing or even shoes. I want to do so much like doing hair and all types of different hair, nails and lashes. I want to at one point travel the world and live a luxury life because that's what i know i deserve. And I want to get my mom and dad a house that I built for them with my own creativity. I consider myself a creator more than an artist because i feel like i could achieve anything that i desire and make anything i want. 

April 13: Write about something that was too small/too big.

Something that's too small would be my room i would love a bigger one to design the interior of it. 

April 14: Write about a question you wished you'd asked. 

I wished i asked you before you went if i could do anything to help you. I knew that you were going through so much and i know that you would have never reached out for help. And i wished you did i miss you every day and i always catch myself thinking about all of the fun stuff we used to do. I miss our long late night conversation talking about nothing and something. Like i'll do with my life in the future or what I've been thinking about recently. I wish you were here so we can talk more and ill forget about you. I love you

April 15: Write about someone you forgot.

Something i forgot is a hard question to answer sometimes ,but I think it would be some of my childhood. I can't really remember some of the stuff i did as a kid. Besides the funny memory i had as a child like, when  i was walking my dog in my grandma's lawn and i was with my sister who had a stick in her hand waving it around. The bog began to leap for the stick and that's when my sister took off with the stick and, the dog started running after her. As she's running i'm being dragged by her leash across the yard as everyone was yelling at me to let her go. it went on for probably 5 mins before i finally let go and my family where all just laughing with me it was definitely a time to remember.   


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