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Showing posts from May, 2022

Blog 12: March 28 -April 1

 April 28: Write about when you knew something was over.  I knew our friendship was over when i learned that you stole from me and lost my trust. I trusted you as my best friend with everything and you hurt me because you wanted money. I was sad, i was angry, and sick from what you did. You stole and lied to me so, that made me wonder if you were lying about everything else. In the end i still forgave you for the pain you caused me because i love you, but i still can't trust you.  April 29: Write about having no fun at all. Every Monday is so boring beside the part when you could go home. I have to remember that most of my classes are pretty boring and they should definitely have more hands-on activities to challenge a child's mind or have them brainstorm different ideas. I'd like to see more fun projects and more group work like a normal science classroom. I believe that you would continue to see less and less kids sleeping in class and more participating.  April 30 : Writ

Blog Post 13: April 11 - April 15

April 11 : Write something that doesn't get better.     I believe that with time and patience anything could get better. If i did have to pick pain is something that doesn't get better. All types of pain hurt like the loss of a family or friend, being mentally or  physically in pain, and even a break up. Pain is something that everyone goes through it's a part of life. Something that really hurts me to this day is the loss of best friend to suicide. It really hurts even in my happiest moments and in my saddest one, but i know she is safe and is in a better place. Pain is something that could make or break you and that's something for you to figure out.  April 12 : Write about what you planned to do.  I plan to do plenty of things with my life or career, but i don't know where to start. For starters, i want to graduate high school right now it's been a challenge there just so much that goes on in my life. I'm still deciding on going to college of interior des